Monday, July 31, 2017

Blog Stage 6

   On July 27,2017, an editorial was posted on "My Political Glasses", about how the government should continue to fund Planned Parenthood. The audience here is those who oppose Planned Parenthood. I say this because the author is stating all facts to show what PP really is.She first talks about the things done at  Planned Parenthood, how they are more than just help to abortions. PP helps with STD test, contraceptives, screenings and more. To add to that, she adds how the abortions done there are not paid for by the government so that it won't really do much but affect those who use the resource. She also talks about the effect that  it would have on other people. Stopping PP could possibly make things worse such as cause more pregnancies. Along with that, she provides how abortions are only 3% of the services there. So, her overall side would be that Planned Parenthood should still be funded.
   I agree with the author. Planned Parenthood has been helpful to so many women. It has been a way to help women fix mistakes and learn. Accidents always happen. It makes it easy for women to have access to medical things that they need. It is also inexpensive for those who cannot afford high priced medical treatment. PP makes an individual comfortable which is very important. Women become vulnerable when having to do these medical activities on their own. PP is a positive and very helpful organization so why should we take it away from so many? It would affect much of the population. Ending PP would cause a lot of rage in people. So, as far as keeping PP, the author and I believe it should continue to be funded.

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